In order to simultaneously benefit both parties, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) integrates two widely used therapy approaches:
- Mind-Body Medicine
- Acupressure
EFT is essentially a form of acupressure that uses tapping with the fingers on certain meridians and points as opposed to inserting needles or applying pressure as in acupuncture or acupressure. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the imbalance of vital energy in the meridians, which is the root of emotional issues including fear, trauma, depression, grief, and schizophrenia, is controlled by this therapy.

EFT can also alleviate these illnesses because emotional stress is a factor in pain, ailment, and physical malfunction. As emotional problems become better, headaches, backaches, and other discomforts tend to get better or go away (this is the core of mind-body medicine). The system is less and less impacted by daily pressures, and vision grows crisper.
EFT often shortens the duration of therapy from months or years to a few sessions or even hours when used in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques.
Exercises to be done

Often, trying something out for yourself is the greatest way to learn about a topic. I advise you to attempt two of Donna Eden's stress-reduction exercises. These exercises can be performed practically anyplace and are simple to perform.
Take five minutes, sitting or standing, and try it!
- Exercise 1:
With your fingertips, tap above your chest (kind of like gorillas, but not as hard).
Tap on the ribs (just below the chest).
Put your hands on your eyes, then on your temples, move down your face, put your hands on your shoulders and move outwards.
- Exercise 2:
Rub your hands together. Shake them out.
Place them on your upper thighs.
Take a deep breath.
Rub your hands together.
Place your hands on your eyes.
Place your hands on your temples.
Move your hands down your face, put them on your shoulders and make a gesture of evacuation.
Take a deep breath.
Limitations of the Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is not flawless, just like any other therapy. It frequently works effectively, and the outcomes can be striking. EFT is a passive method that produces painless effects.
However, not everyone experiences this. Some people's troubles are so severe that even thinking about them causes them to suffer greatly emotionally and/or physically. These problems can be handled over time and frequently with a variety of therapeutic modalities.
EFT should be used with caution, and it is advised that a competent practitioner be utilized. If symptoms continue, a doctor should be consulted.