the benefits of reflexology

All About Reflexology

Reflexology claims that certain zones contain a map of the complete body. Numerous ailments can be alleviated and a peaceful, genuine sensation of wellbeing can be attained by stimulating particular places on the hand, foot, ear, or face.

The basic idea behind reflexology is to act distantly on the body part associated with a reflex zone in order to release daily stressors and ease some disorders' suffering.

Discover our comprehensive guide on definition, usage, benefits, reflexology sessions, and self-help activities!


What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a healing method that originated in Egypt and has roots that date back to 2000 years before Christ. It is a natural technique that involves manually triggering the human body's natural healing abilities through reflex sites.

Traditional Chinese medicine later discovered this technique. Although the precise mechanism of action is still unclear, reflexology would activate the endorphin-producing nerves that are connected to the organs as well as the body's lymphatic system.

All the points connected to a physical part, organ, or gland are represented by reflex zones. It is feasible to localize tensions and restore the balance of the appropriate bodily part by applying pressure to specific zones.

The neural system receives stimulation from the pressure applied to the skin, which then triggers physiological reactions (motor, glandular or visceral).


What is it for?

Reflexology's primary goal is to stimulate the body's natural healing and energy balance mechanisms. By removing toxins from the body, this noninvasive therapy helps to reduce discomfort.

You will experience a state of general relaxation during the first 15 minutes of a reflexology session, including less anxiety, better sleep, a reduction in the symptoms of many illnesses, the disappearance of unpleasant emotions, etc.

It is a method with numerous advantages that also helps to lessen the negative effects of many pharmacological treatments and enhances the comfort and quality of life for patients with serious illnesses like cancer.

toxins in body

What are the benefits of reflexology?

1) Relaxation and well-being

Reflexology's first advantage is that it enables the user to let go and distance themselves from their emotions.

Reflexology helps you digest your emotions and supports your body's defenses against stress, anxiety, and exhaustion by massaging the solar plexus, diaphragm, and adrenal glands. You will gradually restore your vitality and enthusiasm for life.

Reflexology foot

2) Pain relief

With reflexology, osteo-muscular pain is frequently effectively addressed. By concentrating on the reflex zones of the painful areas, one can reduce pain because this technique calms the body.

This procedure kick-starts the body's natural healing process, which is especially important for persistent neck and back discomfort.

Pain relief

3) Stimulation of the internal organs

Reflexology is also advised to treat functional disorders: by activating the reflex points, the body's major organ systems can work as they should (respiratory, digestive, endocrine, urinary, etc.).

This mild therapy works well to treat premenstrual disorders as well as digestive issues including constipation.


4) Improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation

Blood and lymph circulation are rationally improved by engaging and activating the reflex zones of the lymphatic and blood systems. There are many of us who struggle with these areas!

Feelings of heavy legs, chilled feet, or ankle oedemas are a few of the key symptoms. The lymphatic system's role in toxin removal contributes to immune system development.

immune system

5) More comfort

Reflexology enables those who are unwell and/or receiving palliative care to regain a true sense of comfort in life.

This complementary medicine supports severe therapies (chemotherapy or radiotherapy) and their side effects for diseases like cancer or multiple sclerosis.

Because of a decrease in anxiety and an enhancement in their quality of life, patients can actually feel relaxed and healthy.

how to decrease anxiety

6) Disease prevention

The last advantage of reflexology is that it promotes wellness and disease prevention. Reflexology directly strengthens our immune system by activating the lymphatic, endocrine, as well as internal organ systems.

This enables us to better control the daily stress that leads to cell oxidation and, ultimately, to a variety of diseases. Regular reflexology sessions are extremely important for prevention and health.

what is reflexology

What are the different types of reflexology?

Foot reflexology is the most popular form of reflexology. The foot is in fact a smaller version of the body, with each point representing a different organ or bodily region.

You may quiet your entire body down by merely rubbing your left and right feet. However, there are more ways in which reflexology might assist you:

foot reflexology

1) Reflexology for the hands

Since the hands are a reflection of our bodies, palmar (hand) reflexology involves massaging your hands by activating particular reflex sites.

Reflexology of the palms is typically applied to sensitive individuals like the elderly or expectant ladies.

hand reflexology

2) Reflexology for the ears

The auricles of the ears also have pressure points. Pain relief and addiction to alcohol or smoke can both be treated with ear reflexology.

ear reflexology

3) Reflexology for the head

As a very active reflexogenic zone, the head's massage helps to treat headaches and migraines. For psychological issues (such as high anxiety or overwork), sleeplessness, and recurrent headaches, this method is preferred.

head reflexology

Can I do reflexology on my own or do I need a professional?

Doing a reflexology session

An hour long reflexology session is typical. If this is your first time, the reflexologist will ask you questions about your health and medical background.

Then, in order to calm you down and stimulate your lymphatic and venous systems, he or she will be able to focus on the reflex zones that matter most.

Access a true energy massage to end the session by combining a mild and soothing massage with firmer pressure on the parts that need it.

It all depends on your disorder and how receptive you are when it comes to frequency; typically speaking, one session per month is sufficient to maintain wellness. For a curative goal, one session per week is advised to see significant progress.


Stimulate the reflex zones yourself

You can use tools made expressly to massage the reflex zones or just a cylindrical item to receive the full benefits of reflexology at home (such as an empty bottle or a golf ball).

To change the pressure, pay attention to your body's signals and reactions. Reflexology exercises that you can perform on your own include:

  • For the feet: place a golf ball in the palm of your hand or press it against the arch of your foot. Place your fingers on the inside edge of the foot and roll the ball around, concentrating on the sensitive areas. You can also place your foot on an empty bottle and move back and forth, tilting your foot back and forth.
  • For the hands: cross your fingers and press the reflex points located at the base of your palms. Insert a golf ball between them and roll it around.

reflex zone

What are the contraindications of reflexology?

Reflexology has the benefit of being technically risk-free and accessible to all people. But in particular circumstances, there are some safeguards to be taken.

It is crucial for expectant mothers to be aware that stimulating specific reflex areas can start labor or increase fetal movement. Reflexology should be used with care if you have lymphatic or circulation issues.

Ask your doctor for advice if you're unsure of anything! Reflexology is typically not advised in the following circumstances:

  • Phlebitis, arteritis and thrombosis.
  • For people suffering from trauma and inflammation of the feet.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • During the first three months of pregnancy.

benefits of reflexology

To sum up

Reflexology on the feet, palms, ears, or faces enables remote treatment of numerous diseases. You can find true comfort in life, get pain relief, and lessen psychological illnesses whether you utilize it for prevention or treatment.

It has several advantages whether you use it in conjunction with a reflexologist or by yourself at home. Make an appointment as soon as you feel the need for relief, or learn to trigger the appropriate response zones yourself!

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